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UPTOWN Meet & Greet Gallery

City Councilman R. Daniel Lavelle visited Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf on Thursday, December 8, 2011 from 5pm to 7pm as event of UPTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD “Monthly Meet & Greet” with City Councilman.



All neighbors, PAD members and business owners of Uptown had a great opportunity to informally engage with local City Councilman about various community questions and concerns.

2012 Officers Election Results

Mark Babich *WINNER*
Robert Maher
Larry Hast

1st Vice President
Cheryl Noschese *ACCLAMATION*

2nd Vice President
John MacWilliams *ACCLAMATION*

3rd Vice President


Jeff Janaszek *ACCLAMATION*

Assistant Treasurer
Chris Noschese *ACCLAMATION*

Financial Secretary
Todd Langer *WINNER*
Laurie Adler

One Year Term Trustee
Paul Mente

Two Year Term Trustee
Lori Ann LaSorsa

Three Year Term Trustee
Janice Gwidzak *ACCLAMATION*

Club Manager
Thomas DeFazio *WINNER*
Kevin Nelson

Post Gazette: Deaf group upbeat on Uptown

Sunday, August 28, 2011
By Joe Smydo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Laeveyyonna Moe, 3, of the South Side plays with a giant bubble at the Uptown street fair on Saturday. The festival is organized by the Uptown Partners. The Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf has been in the neighborhood since 1965. Photo by: Lake Fong/Post-Gazette

Bloomfield is the center of Pittsburgh’s Italian community, Oakland the city’s academic hub and the South Side the nightclub district.

Uptown’s 46-year-old role as center of the city’s deaf community may not be as well known, but that could change as the neighborhood strives for revitalization.

“We want a better neighborhood,” Cheryl Noschese, former president of the Pittsburgh Association for the Deaf, said Saturday at the third annual Uptown street fair.

The event is sponsored by Uptown Partners, a community group made up of residents, businesses and nonprofits. Executive director Jeanne McNutt said she has made an effort to involve the association, one of the neighborhood’s most established stakeholders.

The association bought its Gist Street building in 1965 because of the central location, turned a dungeon-like basement into a banquet room and made other improvements. Now, it would like to see the rest of the neighborhood catch up.

The wish list includes demolition of blighted buildings, more green space, apartments for graduate students and neighborhood retail.

Uptown residents have to go to the South Side or other neighborhoods for groceries and coffee shops. “What about right here?” James C. Noschese, Ms. Noschese’s husband and an association officer, said through sign-language interpreter Vickie D’Avanzo.

Situated between Downtown and Oakland, both bustling neighborhoods, Uptown is poised for growth, Ms. McNutt said. “There’s lots of opportunity.”

Along the way, the deaf community may grow as well. Ms. McNutt cited plans to turn one former commercial building into apartments for people who are deaf or have vision-related disabilities. Mark Babich, the association’s president, said he’d like to see his group increase its membership, too.

In one way, the association soon will be adopting a higher profile. It’s preparing to put a large mural depicting the deaf community and sign language on the side of its building.

Joe Smydo: or 412-263-1548.

First published on August 28, 2011 at 12:00 am

Deaf Pittsburgh Poker League Rules

Committees:  Jeff Janaszek, Tom Brown, Larry Hast, Chris Noschese

Feb 15, 2013 and every Fridays. The starting time will be at 8:30 p.m. and takes about 4 hours to finish.

We will have 2 sessions in one season. The 2nd session – 1/2 of 25-week game schedule, starting on Feb 15th 2013 and ending on TBA. The Finals will be on TBA at 7:30PM

The second session, 25-week game schedule starting on TBA and ending on TBA. The Finals will be on TBA.

You can play in all 25 games in one session and the 26th week will be FINAL session of tournament. Most people do have some other commitments so we decided to give every player an opportunity to sit out 4 games throughout the each Half of the session. If a particular player decides to play in all 25 games, we will eliminate the lowest 4 games. There will be no SUBSITUTION TO REPLACE YOU FOR ONE GAME!!!

All players who have played at least once in our League are eligible to play in the Final Tournament. For Who showed up between 15 to 21 games each player’s points will be multiplied by 50 (rounded up to the nearest 25) and receive that amount in chips. For who showed up between 8 to 14 games each player’s points will be multiplied by 30( rounded up to the nearest 25) for less than 7 games each player’s points will be multiplied by 10 (rounded up to the nearest 25) If there are 54 players in our league then we will have 7 tables and the top 7 point leaders will be seated at Seat #1 in each table. If a person doesn’t show up that night, he/she will be placed in Seat #3 and the chips will go in the pot during Small Blinds and Big Blinds until the half-hour mark and then the chips will go in at the highest amount of Big Blinds that time in every hand until the chips run out.

You are required to show both of your cards in a showdown and if you only showed one card, the other card automatically goes into the muck. If you have both cards together and one of the cards is face up and the other one is face down, the “facing down” card is automatically into the muck. If you had both cards together (face up), and then lay it down, sliding the top card sideways, that is acceptable.

Using cell phones, pagers, or any other communicable devices during the league is PROHIBITED. If you need to make a call or answer message, you can do so but you have to leave your table first and then making call. After the completion of the call, you may return to the table and play the next available hand.

Depending on the number of players playing that night… For example, if 20 players show up on one Friday, the 1st place will earn 20 points, 2nd place gets 19 points, all the way to the 20th person getting 1 point.

We also give out bonus points to the final table (10 players), 1st place will get 10 extra points, all the way down to the 10th place finisher getting one point.

We will still have the “Bust-Out” chips but the points will be different than last year. You will get 1 point for busting a player out and 2 points for busting out this season’s weekly champions. For the first week, all chips are worth one point and in the 2nd week, if that 1st week champion plays in that night, his/her chip is worth 2 points.

In order to win the Royal Flush pot, you have to have a showdown between yourself and 1 or more player(s). If everyone else folded and you are the only one left, you CANNOT win this points. The points will be carried from week to week, and continue throughout the season.

If you plan on coming to that night and will be late, please give us a call at PAD VP 412-246-8040 or e-mail me at  That way we will put your chips at a particular table and the blinds will be put in accordingly. If you are not there within 1 HOUR, The Chips will be taken away.

I encourage all of you to be a member of the Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf Club. If you are not a member of PAD and you win prize, some of the prize will be allocated to cover the PAD membership fee.

PAD Officers for 2011

Mark Babich

Robert Maher
1st Vice President

John MacWilliamsJohn MacWilliams
2nd Vice President

Jim Toner
James Toner
3rd Vice President

Linda LangerLinda Langer

Jeff JanaszekJeff Janaszek

Chris Noschese
Assistant Treasurer

Todd Langer
Financial Secretary

Janice Gwidzak
One Year Term Trustee

Paul Mente
Two Year Term Trustee

Thomas DeFazio
Three Year Term Trustee

Holly Mendel
Club Manager

Circulation: Charles Fisher

Co-Editor and Co-Publisher: Jeff Janaszek and Lori Ann LaSorsa

Web Maintenance: David P. Fulmer

Interior Development: Glori Biega

Kitchen: Laurie Alder