All posts by admin

New Officers for 2010

Every end of the month of the year, we had a election for new 2010 P.A.D. officers. Cheryl remain the President of P.A.D. for the fourth year in the row. Most of the officers are back from 2009, except four new officers:

2nd Vice Prez – John MacWilliams
Assistant Treasurer – Mark Babich
Secretary – Linda Langer
Club Manager – Linda McKay

Congratulations all to the officers!

France deaf delegate visit PAD

Cheryl and Emmanuel

Cheryl Noschese, 2009 President of PAD and Emmanuel Jacq, France deaf delegate and Administrative Agent of Chancery, was at deaf club after G-20 summit is over on Friday night of September 25th 2009.

He speaks French Sign Language.. and used a lot of gesture between LSF (Langue des Signes Française) and ASL.

Embassy of France in the United States web site:

From the Editor: Lori Ann LaSorsa

Hello Everyone,

Hello all let you know that I am an editor again with my assist Jeff Janaszek for the year 2009.  If you want any story or news to announce on the newsletter, let us know!  My email is on the officers.  We are trying to save our stamps and printing costs for the newsletter.  We want to post it on the WEBSITE at  Let us know if you want to stop newsletter and check out on the website would save us a bunch!!  THANKS!!

Your Editor,
Lori Ann

President's Corner – February 2009

Hello again!!

I am back as President for another year.  I would like to take a moment to give a round of applause of my former officers for the year 2008.  Each one deserves praise as they have gone throughout the year working with me and also during months of remodeling from water damage.  I also want to take a moment to praise those who sacrificed a lot of time in helping me out in certain ways.  For example, the House Committee keeps the club updated in repairs, etc.  They are Charles Fisher, Jim Toner, Chris Noschese and Jeff janaszek; and the housekeeping staff, Monicah Muli and MJ Shahen.

In reviewing the year 2008, I want to thank all those who hosted various activities such as the fundraiser held in Mt. Washington, the Turkey Bash, Christmas Bash, Steelers Party, New Years Eve Party, Picnic, Bingo, Pingo, and the Holiday Partycommittees.  I am hoping for another positive year for our club and it members.  The most important thing for this club is cooperation and assistance from all the members.

Most of all, I want to remind you that this club is your second home and the members are like family.  The members own this club and your membership dues help with utlilty bills and other expenses.  It’s important to remember that Deaf leaders worked hard years ago to establish a club for us.  If it were not for them, we would not have a club today.  Think about that!!

If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to share them with me or the other officers.  We will be glad to help in any way we can.  I will take time to listen to your criticism or advice.  I hope you make the best of 2009 as I intend to do.  I wish all of you a healthy and good new year.  God Bless you all.

One more thing I want to say that we will have CSDVRS KICKOFF FOR OUR PAVRS on March 7th 2009.  Keep eye for post around PAD!!


Cheryl Noschese

PAD Officers for 2009

Cheryl Noschese

Cheryl Noschese


Irene Hearn

Irene Hearn

1st Vice President

Thomas DeFazio

Thomas DeFazio

2nd Vice President

Jim Toner

James Toner

3rd Vice President

Kathy Campero

Kathy Campero


Jeff Janaszek

Jeff Janaszek


Elaine Mifflin

Elaine Mifflin

Assistant Treasurer

Alex Lemanski

Alex Lemanski

Financial Secretary

James Noschese

James C. Noschese

Two Year Term Trustee

Janice Gwidzak

Janice Gwidzak

Three Year Term Trustee

Paul Mente

Paul Mente

One Year Term Trustee

LoriAnn LaSorsa

Lori Ann LaSorsa

Club Manager

Circulation: Charles Fisher

Newsletter Editor & Web Publisher: Lori Ann LaSorsa

Web Maintenance: David P. Fulmer

Interior Development: Elaine Mifflin

Kitchen: Irene Hearn

Steelers Party 2008 video and photos


In the photo, Thomas DeFazio (center) was Steelers best costume in 2007, and he shares with 2008 winner of Steelers best costume, Ricky Bloom (left) and Emily Noschese (right) at our PAD clubhouse.

Don’t miss to see photo album taken by David Fulmer.

Steelers was lost by Tennessee TItans, and we do believe that both teams will rematch in playoffs, we want to make this happen like what Steelers did with Indianapolis Colts in 2005!

Let’s go Steelers!

New Officers for 2009

Yesterday we had a election every end of the month of the year for new 2009 P.A.D. officers. Cheryl remain the President of P.A.D. for the third year in the row. Most of the officers are back from

Children’s X-mas 2008 Pictures


Merry Christmas! We are giving you the good Christmas present: we shot a set of 125 photos in our Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf gallery. Sit back on your chair and take a relax to view the marvelous slideshow.