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2013 Officers Election Results

2013 Officers

Mark Babich *WINNER*
Robert Maher

1st Vice President
Cheryl Noschese *ACCLAMATION*

2nd Vice President
Jeff Thomas
Laurie Adler
Thomas DeFazio *WINNER*

3rd Vice President
Jeff Thomas
James Toner *WINNER*

Laurie Adler
Jennie Wojton *WINNER*

Jeff Janaszek *ACCLAMATION*

Assistant Treasurer
Chris Noschese *ACCLAMATION*

Financial Secretary
Todd Langer
Alex Lemanski *WINNER*

One Year Term Trustee
Lori Ann LaSorsa-Abshier

Two Year Term Trustee
Janice Gwidzak

Three Year Term Trustee
Jeff Thomas
Louis Campero
David Fulmer *WINNER*

Club Manager
Kevin Nelson *WINNER*
Harry Fisher

Uptown biscuit building to become apartments for low-income, disabled

The Famous Biscuit Co. building on Forbes Avenue will be converted into a 43-unit apartment building for low-income workers and residents with hearing and vision impairments, highlighting efforts to make a revitalized Uptown an inclusive neighborhood, speakers said at a construction kickoff Friday.

ACTION-Housing Inc., a Downtown nonprofit, is spearheading the $12 million project, scheduled to be completed in 10 months to a year. The work is being funded with low-income housing tax credits provided by the federal and state governments and a $925,000 low-interest loan from the city’s Urban Redevelopment Authority. The venture also qualifies for a property tax abatement program.

“I know what a project like this can do for a neighborhood,” state Sen. Wayne Fontana, D-Brookline, said. Tom Cummings, housing director for the Urban Redevelopment Authority, said the agency is considering similar projects for properties it owns nearby.

BNY Mellon purchased the tax credits with underwriting help from National Equity Fund. KBK Enterprises of Columbus, Ohio, and Mistick Construction of the North Side will work together on construction.

“We talk about this as workforce housing,” Linda Metropulos, a consultant to ACTION-Housing, said.

Residents must meet income guidelines to qualify for apartments. One-bedroom units will rent for $590 a month and two-bedroom units for $710 a month.

As Uptown reinvents itself, neighborhood leaders must ensure that there’s a “place for everybody,” Larry Swanson, ACTION-Housing executive director, said. Ten units will be designed for residents who are deaf or deaf and blind. The Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf has its offices and social hall nearby.

The event included a sign-language interpreter. Near the end of his remarks, Rick Savido, president of BNY Mellon’s Community Development Corp., interrupted the interpreter and surprised the audience by silently signing the rest of the speech himself. BNY Mellon later said Mr. Savido told the deaf and hard-of-hearing community that he was proud to help provide safe and affordable housing.

The five-story building at 1801 Forbes was built about 1905 by Famous Biscuit Co., a maker of cakes, crackers and biscuits that eventually was purchased by Nabisco. Better known as the longtime warehouse of the Shanahan Moving and Storage Co., it was “filled with stuff” when ACTION-Housing first looked at it, Mr. Swanson said.

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said the project highlights some of his policy priorities, such as the renewal of development incentive programs — a matter to be put before city council — and a desire to better connect the Oakland and Downtown business hubs.

Mr. Cummings said the project qualifies for a city property tax credit of up to $150,000 annually for 10 years. Without council action, the incentive expires next month, leaving other developers with less generous incentives for conversion of industrial space into rental units Downtown and in part of the North Shore, the Strip District and Uptown.

Joe Smydo: or 412-263-1548.
First Published June 2, 2012 12:00 am

2012 Super Bowl Party Gallery

Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf hosted Super Bowl party at deaf clubhouse on Sunday, February 5, 2012 from 4pm to 10pm as they watched New York Giants defeat New England Patriots. They had good time and they cheered both teams.

Hit the link and enjoy watch the slideshow!


Committee for Accessible Transportation important meeting

There will be an important meeting of the Committee for Accessible Transportation Monday 6:00 P.M. January 30, 2012 UCP Building 4638 Center Avenue in Oakland. Steve Bland CEO of the Allegheny County Port Authority will talk about the current status of proposed reductions in the system. We will also hear from Karen Hoesh of Access about how these proposed changes will effect Access.

you must keep in mind that this is primarily a General information meeting. Therefore, we will not!!!!! discuss your specific reductions in bus and Access service, and how those reductions will affect you, since we know that all of us will be severely affected by these reductions in service for both the Port Authority and Access.

I urge you whether or not a member of the Committee for Accessible Transportation to attend this meeting in order to have a better understanding about what is planned concerning these proposed reductions for both the Allegheny County Port Authority and Access. and hopefully gain some knowledge as to what we must do to prevent these cuts from becoming a reality.

Bill Newland

Chair Committee for Accessible Transportation

PAD Officers for 2012

Mark Babich

Cheryl Noschese

1st Vice President

John MacWilliamsJohn MacWilliams
2nd Vice President

Jim Toner
James Toner
3rd Vice President

Lawrence Hast

Jeff JanaszekJeff Janaszek

Chris Noschese
Assistant Treasurer

Todd Langer
Financial Secretary

Paul Mente
One Year Term Trustee

Lori Ann LaSorsa
Two Year Term Trustee

Janice Gwidzak

Three Year Term Trustee

Thomas DeFazio
Club Manager

Circulation: Charles Fisher

Co-Editor and Co-Publisher: Jeff Janaszek and Lori Ann LaSorsa

Web Maintenance: David P. Fulmer

Interior Development: Kevin Nelson

Kitchen: Rafi Diaz