All posts by jsjdeafbowler

President’s Corner

President’s Corner

Hello members & friends,
Hope you all are keeping yourself warm, winter is coming soon!
Reminder that our Active meeting will be on Friday, Nov 17, 2017 due to holiday party hosting Open House at PAD on Friday, November 10 then Saturday, November 11, we all will be attending Holiday party at Moon Township. Hope sees you all there!

Check our Facebook and Website for our upcoming events thru winter season, come and visit us!

We came into struggling of roof issues and we decide to put new trusses over our flat roof, it will occur this spring 2018 by one of our active member, Lenny Visco, owner of Visco Contracting! We cannot wait for the new roof and will be end of ongoing roof leaking issues. Many thanks for all your patience and volunteers to keep roof stable until spring!

We will have Christmas Active dinner on Saturday, Dec 9 at PAD, reminder the election and meeting will be on Friday, December 8.

We will be only electing for new club manager for 2018-2020 year. The officers remain same until ending of 2018.

Enjoy your winter season! Stay warm!

Any feedbacks, or suggestions, please contact us thru website or Facebook!
Truly yours,
President Robert Maher Jr.


Active Meeting

Hello Active members,

Our next active meeting will be on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th at 7:30pm due to Holiday Party at Sheraton Hotel on Saturday November 11th. PAD WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAY November 11th.


Robert Maher Jr.

PAD President.

Engagement Annoucement

Mark Kite and Barbara Kite are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Bobbie Jo Kite to Blake Herbold. Ms. Kite is a professor at Gallaudet University in the Department of Education. Mr. Herbold is a Jack of all trades and is an adjunct faculty at Gallaudet University. They reside in Washington D.C. with their loving pit bulls and a June 2018 wedding is planned.


Mark and Barbara Kite

Good News

Hello PAD SC and Members,

Wanted to let you know that Audrey Warrick informed me that JoJo Trozzo is home from Hospital since Sept 3rd till Monday Oct 16th. He doing good, he will be staying with his Daughter Joanne for few weeks for rehab. Just want let you know. Keep him in our Prayers for his recovery.

Thanks Jeff

Carnegie Museum of Art


My name is Leah Morelli and I am the Accessibility Coordinator at the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh. I am reaching out because the Carnegie Museums of Art is having a panel discussion for the new exhibition 20/20 on July 22nd that will have a sign language interpreter. I was wondering if anyone from the community would like to attend. Please call me at 412.622.6578 or email me at if you think this may be of interest. I would be happy to share more information about the event via email or phone.
Leah Morelli

Dragon Boating for the Deaf community

The dragon boat event is scheduled for Sunday, July 9 from 6p-8p.

We are located at the Fox Chapel Yacht Club 1366 Old Freeport Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Our website:

Click this link for flyers!!  Dragon boat

What it is and how it works:  A dragon boat is a 40ft canoe. There are ten bench seats that hold 20 paddlers. It is led by a drummer who sits in the front and an oarsman who steers from the back. Dragon Boat racing began 2000 years ago in China and is now a sport played in all areas of the World. Paddlers range from one time team building events, to race teams, to serious paddlers that compete Internationally as part of Team USA.  Steel City Dragon Boat Association is a 501c3 organization that has been promoting dragon boat racing in Pittsburgh since 2005.

The event:   It is free.  You must be at least 10yrs of age. We will provide life jacket and paddle. Wear gym type clothes and shoes that can get wet from splashing. We have locker rooms if you want to change after the event. Please arrive on time, if not a few minutes early. Our team room is located inside the Fox Chapel Marine, in the same building as the Baja Grill. We will have you complete a waiver, or you can download one from our website and bring completed.  We will discuss safety. Then we will proceed to the dragon boats.  We will be out on the water for approximately one hour.  Feel free to bring a water with you. Afterwards we will laugh and chat and take pictures.  Snacks will be provided in the team room. Directions will be given in ASL directly from one of the Steel City Dragon’s members and also interpreters will be there for safety.


Erie Silent Club host Beach Party

Erie Silent Club host Beach Party.

Erie Silent Club Inc Beach party

Erie Silent Club Inc./Erie County Community Center for the Deaf, Inc.
3044 West 26th Street, Erie PA 16506
August 4, 2017 & August 5, 2017 – 64th Annual BEACH PARTY Weekend! 



Friday, August 4 – Clubhouse Opens – 6:00 PM 
$10.00 per person includes food 

Saturday, August 5– #10 Budney Beach
10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. at Presque Isle State Park • Erie, PA (rain or shine) 

Saturday – after the beach – clubhouse opens at 5:00 P.M.
$10.00 per person includes food 

Door prize give away begins at 10:00 pm – Must be present to win. 

Please note:
Children 15 years old and younger NOT Permitted at the clubhouse after 10:30 PM 
 Chinese auction, Raffle tickets and 50/50 

Dingo & 15 envelope 

Alcoholic Beverages are being sold on Friday and Saturday. 

 Mail Check or money order only Payable to:  
P.O. Box 9428 
 Erie, Pa. 16506 
Deaf Beach Party 




Friday__________ # person $10.00 

Saturday________# person $10.00 


RSVP Deadline : Monday July 25, 2017 

Questions: Contact – Marcia Siar   VP# 814-796-7329   
Come and have fun!


Erie Silent Club Host Pig Roast

Saturday, July 15, 2017
Here the Link for Flyer
  Where: Erie County Community Center for the Deaf / Erie Silent Club, Inc.
3044 West 26th Street, Erie, Pa. 16506
Time:  Clubhouse opens at 3:00 P.M.
Donation: $20.00 includes food – RSVP by June 30th
After June 30th CASH ONLY – $25.00
Dinner served:  5:00 P.M.

Chinese Auction!  Door Prizes!  Dingo!  15 Envelope!

Alcoholic Beverages will be available for purchase
For more information contact: Richard Siar 814-796-7329 (VP)
Money order ‘only’ payable to: ECCCD and mail to ECCCD, PO Box 9428, Erie, PA 16506
Name: __________________________________________________
address: _________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ________
Number of people ___________________  
Amount enclosed __________________________