Bingo Night 2025
Bingo Night 1st Saturday of the month. Starts 7:30pm Banknight at 10pm Irene Hearn committee
Bingo Night 1st Saturday of the month. Starts 7:30pm Banknight at 10pm Irene Hearn committee
Active Meeting 2nd Saturday of the month at 7:30pm President Val Wojton III
Pingo Night open 6:15pm start 7:30pm Committee Brad
Hosting Belated St. Patrick’s Day Party Satuday March 29th Open 7pmĀ Donation $5.00 member $10 Social member. Best Costume and 50/50 door prize
Bingo Night 1st Saturday of the month. Starts 7:30pm Banknight at 10pm Irene Hearn committee
Active Meeting 2nd Saturday of the month at 7:30pm President Val Wojton III
Pingo Night open 6:15pm start 7:30pm Committee Brad
Bingo Night 1st Saturday of the month. Starts 7:30pm Banknight at 10pm Irene Hearn committee
Active Meeting 2nd Saturday of the month at 7:30pm President Val Wojton III
Pingo Night open 6:15pm start 7:30pm Committee Brad
Bingo Night 1st Saturday of the month. Starts 7:30pm Banknight at 10pm Irene Hearn committee
Active Meeting 2nd Saturday of the month at 7:30pm President Val Wojton III
Pingo Night open 6:15pm start 7:30pm Committee Brad
Bingo Night 1st Saturday of the month. Starts 7:30pm Banknight at 10pm Irene Hearn committee
Active Meeting 2nd Saturday of the month at 7:30pm President Val Wojton III