?> PAD Poker - Archive: Profile Records

Profile Lifetime Records:

Miller, Nick

Date Joined: May 17, 2024
Date Last Played: September 13, 2024
Season Played: 2
Lifetime Games Played: 6
Lifetime Final Table
Appearance Counted:
3   (50.0%)
Lifetime Wins Counted: 1
Lifetime Bust
Outs Counted:
Lifetime Points: 232.0

Number of Times Placed on Final Table
Place Rank 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th
No. of times 1200000000

Season Log
Season Rank Game(s) Points Average Point
Per Game
Bust Out Wins Final Table View
2024 Season 19 Session #117th of 435195.039.0000012.012Game Log
2024 Season 19 Session #24th of 22137.037.000004.001Game Log